Electronics for guitarists
Are you thinking about building your own electronic custom effect? Ever wonder
how transistors, capacitors, and other building blocks of electronics
work? Are you interested in finding out how to solder or make your own
circuit boards?
Well, you’ve come to the right place
Electronics is a huge — no, make that HUGE — subject. Like any science, it
consists of a lot of concepts and all sorts of highly complicated mathematical
equations. For any really in-depth study of electronics, you need to spend
hours and hours memorizing a lot of facts and figures.
But this tutorial takes a different path. It provides you with just what you need to
understand the basics of electronics, get to work building custom FX circuits,
and even tackle a dozen fun projects that you can build and modify.
move your mouse under each topic (image) below and you will get a description of each topic available in this crash course
I recommend that you follow the logical sequence of each topic below

Course Presentation
Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction

Output Jacks
Under Construction

Under Construction

PCB Design
Under Construction

Under Construction

Integrated Circuits
Under Construction

Foot Switchs
Under Construction

Under Construction

Under Construction